Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are a few, common Frequently Asked Questions that we have received over the years from customers.  This is not so serious, and meant as light-hearted HUMOR.  Although with all good humor, there is often a small element of truth.

I have a sales person who is obnoxious, annoying as hell, and keeps filling up my voicemail with sales messages.  Can you help us with that?


My assigned VAR engineer has a God complex. He maintains that we should beg for his services, and be thankful that he graces us with his assistance, and presence.   Is it actually possible to find a highly skilled network engineer without a monster ego?


Do you have excellent customer service?

No.  Once we sell you product like the big boys and an immediate sales opportunity is not present, you are on the back burner!

The REAL answer: Yes, of course!  We are ALL about customer service.  It is service, even more than technical knowledge and experience, that separates us from most of the other players in the industry.